7 Fantastic Hockey Training Aids To Improve Your Game
An athlete's success is not about the feats you see on the field, the mound, the pitch, or the ice.
Those achievements are like the iceberg effect.
On the surface, the athlete makes it look easy.
When you dig deeper, you realize it's because of countless hours of work, dedication, failure, setbacks, and constantly improving one's craft.
While working tirelessly on your sport helps, what you do and how you do it matters just as much.
This is especially true for aspiring ice hockey players.
Former Flyers center Eric Lindros once said, "It's not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it's what you put into the practice."
Hockey is a sport that requires a particular set of skills.
Speed, agility, stickhandling, shooting, balance, and teamwork are all essential to succeed as a hockey player.
With the right hockey training aids, hard work, and consistency, those skills will translate to magic on the ice.

The Importance of Hockey Training
Proper hockey training is crucial for improving performance and maximizing player potential.
It helps players develop the necessary skills, improve their physical condition, and enhance their overall game awareness.
Hockey is a unique and specialized sport.
You can't depend on standard exercise programs.
You'll need hockey training aids to help perfect the specific skills hockey demands from its players.
Furthermore, since hockey players can't always train on ice and may not always have access to an ice rink, they need to supplement their on-ice training with off-ice training.
On-ice and off-ice training are equally important in developing a well-rounded hockey player.
In both instances, training aids are essential tools that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of hockey training.
These aids can help players improve specific aspects of their game, such as stickhandling, shooting accuracy, speed, and agility.
Getting Started
Incorporating hockey training aids can also make practice more challenging and can add variety to training sessions, keeping you engaged and motivated.
If you're coaching a hockey team or a player, incorporating hockey training aids can make any training session fantastic and more effective.
Here are 7 that can take your game to the next level:
1. PolyGlide Ice - Pro Glide Infused Panel
If you want on-ice training sessions but lack access to a natural ice rink, a PolyGlide Synthetic Ice Pro Glide Panel is the perfect solution.
This synthetic ice provides a realistic skating experience because its infused panel technology mimics the glide and feel of natural ice.
As such, players can get the sensation of skating and practice their hockey skills in a simulated on-ice environment.
With PolyGlide Synthetic Ice, you can make your synthetic ice rink at home, in the backyard, or any suitable space.
Since it's available in panels, you can order just one for specific close control drills or multiple panels for an at-home rink to get a similar on-ice training experience.
The panels are also easy to assemble and disassemble for convenient storage and portability.
Overall, this synthetic ice provides a cost-effective and accessible solution for hockey players who want to confidently train on ice-like surfaces.
2. Top Shelf Targets - Magnetic Shooting Targets
Need to work on accuracy and precision in shooting?
The Top Shelf Magnetic Shooting Targets are a must-have training aid.
These magnetic shooting targets can be attached to the metal goalposts or any suitable surface.
They provide visual targets for players to aim for, helping them improve their shooting accuracy.
These targets are incredibly durable and easy to use, making them ideal for individual and team training sessions.
This hockey training aid is also suitable for all ages and skill levels and can be used on and off the ice.
3. Revbalance - Balance Board Sports Trainer
You've seen these interesting balance devices everywhere.
Are they worth the hype?
Balance boards have various benefits for hockey training.
Primarily, they help improve balance and strength. You also wear ice skates, balancing your body on thin metal blades.
Balance boards also help improve core stability, agility, and reaction time.
The Revbalance Balance Board Sports Trainer is an excellent tool for hockey training.
It is handcrafted with high-quality materials and designed to withstand rigorous training sessions.
It also has a soft traction surface, so you can use it comfortably even with bare feet. This versatile tool will hone the flexibility and balance skills that will translate to the ice.
4. Slip Slide Board by PolyGlide Ice
Because it provides an ice-like experience, the PolyGlide Ice Slip Slide Board can significantly help improve your skating skills, balance, and coordination.
It also builds your lower body, strengthening your glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
Enjoy a full body workout with a multiple array of exercises that will improve your overall game.
It can be used by players of different skill levels from beginners to professionals to strengthen their skating stride and overall performance.
5. Agility Training Kit
Agility and speed are skills essential for hockey players.
With agility and speed, players can quickly change directions, accelerate, outmaneuver other players, and react swiftly on the ice.
To enhance agility and speed, the Agility Training Kit is an excellent tool.
This particular Agility Training Kit includes a 20-foot agility ladder, 4 adjustable hurdles, 12 disc cones, a running parachute, a jump rope, and a carry bag.
All these can be part of a comprehensive training program to improve hockey players' agility, coordination, and speed on the ice.
You can also use it with other hockey training aids to hone skills such as endurance and power.
6. The Bouncebar - Rebounding Dasher Curb
Improve your off-ice hockey training with The BounceBar - Rebounding Dasher Curb".
This dual-purpose product combines the functionalities of a dasher curb and a puck rebounder into one seamless unit, perfect for any hockey training program.
Whether you’re looking to perfect your puck handling skills or create a more engaging practice environment, the BounceBar offers the flexibility needed to transform your hockey stickhandling skills.
7. Hockey Stick Protector for Off Ice Training
Elevate your game without risking damage to your expensive hockey stick with our Off-Ice Hockey Stick Protector.
Designed to replicate the feel of on-ice play on any surface, this protector is perfect for off-ice training sessions, street hockey, and more.
Ideal for gifts and a must-have for any player's arsenal, our protector allows you to perform any on-ice maneuver off-ice, including full slap shots when taped.
Enhance your performance safely and effectively with our Hockey Stick Protector.
Common Hockey Drills
So, how can you use these hockey training aids?
- Stickhandling and puck-control drills focus on improving players' ability to handle the puck with their stick and maintain control while moving. This is crucial for players to maneuver the puck effectively during gameplay. The Potent Digital Stick Handling Trainer is an excellent tool for such drills.
- Shooting drills are designed to improve a player's shooting accuracy, power, and technique. Training aids such as Magnetic Shooting Targets and PolyGlide synthetic ice panels can help players improve their shooting skills by providing realistic shooting surfaces and targets.
- Skating drills are essential for improving a player's speed, agility, and overall skating technique. For players who can't train on traditional ice, the PolyGlide synthetic ice and slip slide board are valuable tools for simulating the ice-like experience and improving skating skills.
- Conditioning drills focus on building endurance, strength, and stamina, essential for maintaining peak performance throughout a game. Some conditioning drills include interval sprints, shuttle runs, circuit training, and endurance skating drills. The agility training kit can be used with these drills to enhance agility and conditioning.
- Checking drills teach players proper body positioning, timing, and technique for performing checks effectively and safely. Using training aids such as the Revbalance balance board can help players improve their balance and stability, which are crucial for executing checks with precision.
Coaches and players can incorporate game-like scenarios into training sessions to improve their game sense and decision-making abilities in real game situations.

Improving Your Game with Hockey Training Aids
Hockey is a complex sport involving physical skills, mental acuity, and strategic thinking.
To excel in the game, players also need to be excellent at skating, stick handling, and shooting.
To improve your game, you need to focus on developing your skills in all areas and continuously practice and challenge yourself.
For these, training aids can be beneficial.
Check out the 6 fantastic training aids listed above to elevate your game and take your skills to the next level.